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သတင္းစံုေပ်ာ္၀င္အိုးၾကီးတြင္ ေဖာ္ျပထားသည့္ သတင္း၊ဓာတ္ပံုမ်ားသည္ သက္ဆိုင္သူမ်ား၏မူပိုင္သာျဖစ္ေၾကာင္း အသိေပးအပ္ပါသည္။

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

အသက္ ၆၀ မွ အသက္ ၂၀ သုိ႔ ျပန္လည္ႏုပ်ိဳလာေတာ့မည္ေလာ

အေမရိကန္ႏုိင္ငံမွ ေလ့လာမႈတစ္ခုက အသက္အရြယ္ႀကီးရင့္လာမႈျဖစ္စဥ္အား  ေျပာင္းျပန္ျပန္ကာ ႏုပ်ိဳသြားေစမည့္ဓာတုပစၥည္း တစ္မ်ိဳးအား ႂကြက္မ်ားတြင္ ေအာင္ျမင္စြာစမ္းသပ္ျပႏုိင္ခဲ့သည္။ လူမ်ား၏ခႏၶာကိုယ္ထဲတြင္ NAD  ဟုေခၚ သည့္ဓာတုပစၥည္းမွာ ေမြးစဥ္ထဲကပါလာၿပီး အရြယ္ႀကီးလာေလ ယင္း ဓာတုပစၥည္းပမာဏ က်လာေလျဖစ္ကာ စြမ္းအင္ထုတ္လုပ္မႈကို ေလ်ာ့က်ေစၿပီး အသက္အရြယ္ႀကီးရင့္မႈအား ျဖစ္ေပၚေစသည္။ ေလ့လာမႈတြင္ အသက္ ၂ ႏွစ္ အရြယ္ရွိ ႂကြက္အား ဓာတုပစၥည္းတစ္မ်ိဳးကုိ ထုိးသြင္းေပးခဲ့ရာ ႂကြက္၏ခႏၶာကုိယ္မွ ယင္းဓာတုပစၥည္းမ်ားအား NAD  အျဖစ္သုိ႔ ေျပာင္းေပးၿပီး ရလဒ္အားျဖင့္  ယင္းႂကြက္၏ ႂကြက္သားမ်ားမွာ အသက္ ၂ ႏွစ္ အရြယ္မွ အသက္ ၆ လအရြယ္ႂကြက္သားမ်ားကဲ့သုိ႔ ေဆးသြင္းၿပီး ၁ပတ္ၾကာလာေသာအခါ  ျပန္လည္ႏုပ်ိဳလာေၾကာင္း ေတြ႕ခဲ့ရသည္။ လူသားမ်ားတြင္ စမ္းသပ္ရန္မူ ၂၀၁၅တြင္ စမ္းသပ္ရန္စီစဥ္ထားၿပီး အကယ္၍ ယင္းကုသမႈေအာင္ျမင္ခဲ့ပါက အသက္ ၆၀အရြယ္ရွိသူ တစ္ဦး၏ ႂကြက္သားမ်ားအား အသက္ ၂၀ အရြယ္ႂကြက္သားမ်ားကဲ့သုိ႔ ျပန္လည္သန္စြမ္းလာေစမည္ဟု အေမရိကန္မွ သိပံၸပညာရွင္မ်ားက ေဖာ္ျပခဲ့ၾကသည္။
Health Updates Journal

Anti-ageing compound set for human trials after turning clock back for mice

New South Wales professor in US rolled back the key indicators of ageing to make two-year-old mice appear six months old,
Australian and US researchers hope an anti-ageing compound could be trialled on humans as early as next year, following a key breakthrough that saw the ageing process reversed in mice.
The study, involving Harvard University and the University of NSW, discovered a way of restoring the efficiency of cells, completely reversing the ageing process in muscles.
Two-year-old mice were given a compound over a week, moving back the key indicators of ageing to that of a six-month-old mouse. Researchers said this was the equivalent of making a 60-year-old person feel like a 20-year-old.
It’s hoped the research, published in Cell, will be expanded to humans as early as next year, with scientists set to look at how the theory of age reversal can be used to treat diseases such as cancer, dementia and diabetes.

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