အသက္၆ႏွစ္အရြယ္တရုတ္ျပည္ကကေလးမေလးတစ္ေယာက္ရဲ ့အျဖစ္က သနားစရာပါ။ သူ ့အသက္ ၂ႏွစ္အရြယ္မွာ မိခင္ျဖစ္သူက သူ ့ကိုပစ္သြားခဲ့ျပီး ဖခင္ျဖစ္သူ ကသူ ့ကိုေန ့ကေလးထိန္းဌာနကိုအပ္ ျပီးတဲ့ေနာက္လံုး၀ေျခရာေဖ်ာက္သြားခဲ့ပါတယ္။ စိတ္ေကာင္းႏွလုံုးေကာင္းရွိတဲ့သူ ့ရဲ ့ဦးေလးျဖစ္သူက သူ ့ကိုေန ့ကေလးထိန္းဌာနက ရြာကေလးကိုျပန္ေခၚလာခဲ့ပါတယ္။အခုေက်ာင္းေနရမယ့္အရြယ္ေရာက္ေနျပီျဖစ္တဲ့လီလီဟာ ေက်ာင္းတက္ခြင္ ့
လီလီကိုေမြးဖြားလာေတာ့သူ ့ကိုယ္ေပၚမွာအနက္ေရာင္အကြက္ေတြနဲ ့ပါ။ ေမြးစကကအေရျပားေပၚမွာအနက္ေရာင္
အကြက္ေတြဟာ ေနာက္ေတာ့ အေမႊးေတြေပါက္လာပါတယ္။ သူ ့အေမက ဒီအေမႊးအမွ်င္ေတြနဲ ့သမီးငယ္ကိုရွက္ျပီးစြန္ ့ပစ္သြားပါတယ္။ ေနာက္ေတာ့သူ ့အေဖကလည္း သူ ့ကေလးထိန္းဌာနကိုပို ့ျပီးဘယ္ေတာ့မွေပၚမလာေတာ့ပါဘူး။

ကေလးထိန္းဌာနမွာႏွစ္တစ္၀က္ေလာက္ေနခဲ့ရျပီး သူနဲ ့အတူေနရတဲ့ကေလးေတြကသူ ့ကိုေၾကာက္ ၾကတယ္။ေနာက္ဆံုးေတာ့ ကေလးထိန္းဌာနရဲ ့အၾကီးအကဲက လီလီရဲ ့ေဆြမ်ိဳးသားခ်င္းမ်ားကေလးမကို ျပန္လာေခၚဖို ့သတင္းစာမွာေၾကာ္ျငာထည့္လိုက္ပါတယ္။
ကံအားေလ်ာ္စြာ သူ ့ရဲ ့ဦးေလးျဖစ္သူက ဒီေၾကျငာကိုေတြ ့ျပီးသူ ့ကေလးထိန္းဌာနကေနရြာ ကိုျပန္ေခၚခဲ့ပါတယ္။

သူ ့ကိုဓာတ္ပံုရိုက္ေတာ့ လီလီက သူ ့ရဲ အေရျပားေပၚက အနက္ကြက္ေလးေတြကို တခ်ိန္လံုးကုတ္ေနပါတယ္။ဒီအနက္ကြက္ေလးေတြက ယားတယ္။နာေတာ့မနာဘူးလို ့သူကေျပာပါတယ္။သူ ့လက္ေခ်ာင္းေလးေတြနဲ ့သူ ့ကိုယ္ေပၚက
အနက္ကြက္ေလးေတြကိုတစ္ကေနငါးအထိ ျပန္ေရတြက္ၾကည့္ တတ္တယ္။ ငါးထက္ပိုျပီးေတာ့ လည္းသူ မေရတတ္ေတာ့ဘူး။ငါးျပီးရင္ေနာက္ထပ္ဘာဂဏာန္းလာသလဲဆုိတာလည္းသူမသိရွာဘူး။

ဒီအနက္ကြက္ေတြဟာလက္သီးဆုပ္အရြယ္၊က်ပ္ျပား၀ိုင္းအရြယ္ရွိျပီး အဲဒီအေပၚမွာအေမႊးေတြေပါက္လာတာပါ။ သူ ့ကုိယ္ခႏၵာရဲ ့ ၆၀ရာႏွဳန္းကို ဒီအေမႊးေတြကဖံုးလႊမ္းထားပါတယ္။

လီလီက အရမ္းကိုတက္ၾကြအားမာန္ျပည့္တဲ့ကေလးမပါ။ အရမ္းလဲရီတတ္တယ္။ တျခားကေလးေတြနဲ ့ကစားဖို ့ၾကိဳးစားေပမယ့္သူ ့ကိုေၾကာက္ၾကတယ္။ သူ ့ကို ရီစရာတစ္ခုလို သေဘာထားၾကတယ္။သူ ့ကိုေပးထားတဲ့နာမည္ေျပာင္က ေမ်ာက္မေလးတဲ့။
ေက်ာင္းကသူ ့အိမ္နဲ ့မီတာ၁၀၀ေလာက္ပဲေ၀းေပမယ့္ လီလီခင္မ်ာဘယ္တုန္းကမွ ေက်ာင္း ထဲကိုမ၀င္ဖူးခဲ့ရွာပါဘူး။ သူ ့မိသားစုကဆင္းရဲတာအျပင္ ကေလးေတြကသူ ့ကိုအလြန္ အမင္းေၾကာက္ၾကတာေၾကာင့္ ေက်ာင္းကသူ ့ကို လက္မခံတာျဖစ္ပါတယ္။
Furry Child: Chinese Girl’s Body Covered by Black Spots & Fur
by on Tuesday, June 12, 2012
June 5th, 6-year-old Lili of
Liuchang village of Qingzhen county city in Guizhou province, the left
side of her face covered with black fur, with large and small black
spots all over her body. When she was 2 years old, her mother left the
family never to return, her father took her to a childcare nursery and
disappeared without a trace, and it was kind-hearted distant relative
Liu Mingying who brought her back from Guiyang to the village. She has
now reached school age and though the school is right in front of her
home, attending school is still something unattainable for Lili.
Qianzhong Morning News/CFP
Lili was born with these black
spots, and when she was two years old, her mother could no longer stand
this “fur child”, and in her frustration abandoned Lili, never to
return. Her father, who had been working long-term in Guiyang brought
her to a children’s nursery, and never reappeared.
In the half year she stayed at the
nursery, Lili scared the other nursery children to tears. The person in
charge of the nursery put an ad in the newspaper, asking Lili’s family
to take her home. By coincidence, an uncle working in a Guiyang repair
shop saw that newspaper ad that day, called Liu Mingying, and
good-hearted Liu Mingying took her back to the village.
While taking photographs, Lili was
constantly scratching these black spots. Lili says these black spots
only itch but don’t hurt. Naughtily, she even used her finger to point
at these black spots but upon counting to 5, she couldn’t count any
further. She says she doesn’t know what number comes after 5.
There are black spots the size of
fists and coins spread over her body. On these spots also grow downy
black fur. These black spots cover over 60% of her skin.
Lili is very lively and energetic,
and loves to laugh. She also tries to find other children to play with,
but the other little children either run away scared or make fun of her.
Over time, Lili had a nickname: Little Monkey.
Just 100 meters across the front of
her home is the village primary school, but Lili has never gone inside.
Not only is it because her family is poor, they’re also deathly afraid
of the little children who normally call her “Little Monkey” not
accepting her.
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