“အာဏာသိမ္းႏိုင္ေခ် တံခါးကေတာ့ ဖြင့္တာလည္းမဟုတ္ဘူး၊ ပိတ္ထားတာလည္း မဟုတ္ဘူး။ အေျခအေနေပၚ မူတည္ျပီး ဘာမဆုိ ျဖစ္ႏုိင္တယ္လို႔” ထုိင္း စစ္ဦးစီးခ်ဳပ္က ဒီဇင္ဘာ ၂၇ ရက္ေန႔က ေျပာပါတယ္။
ေလာေလာဆယ္မွာေတ့ ထုိင္းစစ္တပ္ဟာ အစိုးရနဲ႔ ဆႏၵျပသမားေတြအၾကားမွာ ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းတဲ့ ညႇိႏႈုိင္းတာမ်ဳိးကို ေထာက္ခံေနတယ္လို႔ ေျပာပါတယ္။
“ျပည္သူေတြက စစ္တပ္ကို ေထာက္ခံဖုိ႔ ေကာင္းတယ္၊ စစ္တပ္က မွန္တာလုပ္ႏုိင္ဖုိ႔ ၾကိဳးစားေနတယ္။ အရင္လုပ္ရုိးလုပ္စဥ္ နည္းလမ္းေတြအတုိင္း အင္အားသံုးတဲ့ နည္းကို စစ္တပ္က မလုပ္ဘူး။ ညႇိႏႈုိင္းတဲ့ နည္းလမ္းနဲ႔ ျငိမ္းခ်မ္းတဲ့ နည္းလမ္းနဲ႔ အေျဖရွာႏိုင္ဖို႔ ၾကိဳးစားေနတယ္။”
စစ္တပ္ဟာ ေနာက္ဆံုး ေပၚေပါက္ေနတဲ့ ပဋိပကၡမွာ ဘက္မလုိက္ဘဲ ရပ္တည္ေနပါတယ္။
ဆႏၵျပေခါင္းေဆာင္ ဒု၀န္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္ ဆူေထ့ပ္က စစ္တပ္ကို အစိုးရ ဆန္႔က်င္တဲ့ ဘက္က ရပ္တည္ေပးဖို႔ ၾကိဳးစားခဲ့ေပမယ့္ စစ္တပ္က ဖ်န္ေျဖတဲ့ ေနရာမွာပဲ ဆက္ေနပါတယ္။
ထုိင္းစစ္တပ္ဟာ လြန္ခဲ့တဲ့ ႏွစ္ ၈၀ အတြင္းမွာ ၁၈ ၾကိမ္ အာဏာသိ္မ္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။ ၂၀၀၆ ခုႏွစ္မွာ ၀န္ၾကီးခ်ဳပ္သက္ဆင္ရဲ႔ လက္ထဲကေန အာဏာသိမ္းခဲ့ပါတယ္။
By ဒီဗီြဘီ
Thai army chief refuses to rule out coup |
At least one dead in Thailand protests as army chief urges restraint on both sides.
Last updated: 28 Dec 2013 03:03
Ant-government protests turned deadly on Thursday [AP]
At least one person killed and three injured
overnight as a gunman opened fire at a group of protesters near Chamai
bridge in Bangkok. Earlier on Friday, Thailand's army chief urged both sides in the country's bitter political dispute to show restraint, but did not explicitly rule out the possibility of a coup. Thailand has been wracked by two months of political tensions and occasionally violent street protests pitting the government of Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra against protesters seeking to oust her. The army has staged 11 successful coups in the country's history, so its intentions are being watched carefully. "That door is neither open nor closed," the army chief, General Prayuth Chan-ocha, said on Friday in response to questions from reporters as to whether military intervention was likely. "It will be determined by the situation." Prayuth also reiterated a request Read More |
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