တစ္ခုခုလုပ္ဖုိ႕ အခ်ိန္တန္ၿပီလုိ႕ ေၿပာခ်င္ရင္ Its high time လုိ႕ ေၿပာရတယ္ ။
သတိထားရမွာက ပစၥဳပၸါန္ကို ညႊန္းတာေပမယ္႕ ေနာက္စာေၾကာင္းကို past tense နဲ႕ေရးရတယ္ ။
It's high time we were leaving. တုိ႕ေတြသြားဖုိ႕အခ်ိန္က်ၿပီ ။
It's high time you startd thinking about your future.
It's high time the government started to talk about the immigration issue.
It's high time I was given a raise. ငါ႕ကို လစာတုိးေပးဖုိ႕ အခ်ိန္ေရာက္ၿပီ ။
Her parents decided that it's high time she was married off to the doctor they had chosen .
သူတုိ႕ေရြးထားတဲ႕ ဆရာ၀န္နဲ႕ သူမဖုိ႕ေပးစားဖုိ႕ အခ်ိန္တန္ၿပီလုိ႕ သူမရဲ႕ မိဘေတြက ဆံုးၿဖတ္လုိက္ၾကတယ္
( marry မွာ off ထည္႕ရင္ ေပးစားတယ္ဆိုတဲ႕ အဓိပၸါယ္ရ )
At the age of 19 , she was married off to the a man, not of her choosing.
အသက္ ၁၉ ႏွစ္မွာ သူမကို သူမေရြးခ်ယ္ထားတာမဟုတ္တဲ႕လူတစ္ေယာက္နဲ႕ ေပးစားလုိက္ၾကတယ္ ။
( not of her choosing ကို not of her choice လုိ႕လည္းေရးလုိ႕ရ )
By the way, don't you think it's high time you started limiting your faebooking time ?
သတိထားရမွာက ပစၥဳပၸါန္ကို ညႊန္းတာေပမယ္႕ ေနာက္စာေၾကာင္းကို past tense နဲ႕ေရးရတယ္ ။
It's high time we were leaving. တုိ႕ေတြသြားဖုိ႕အခ်ိန္က်ၿပီ
It's high time you startd thinking about your future.
It's high time the government started to talk about the immigration issue.
It's high time I was given a raise. ငါ႕ကို လစာတုိးေပးဖုိ႕ အခ်ိန္ေရာက္ၿပီ ။
Her parents decided that it's high time she was married off to the doctor they had chosen .
သူတုိ႕ေရြးထားတဲ႕ ဆရာ၀န္နဲ႕ သူမဖုိ႕ေပးစားဖုိ႕ အခ်ိန္တန္ၿပီလုိ႕ သူမရဲ႕ မိဘေတြက ဆံုးၿဖတ္လုိက္ၾကတယ္
( marry မွာ off ထည္႕ရင္ ေပးစားတယ္ဆိုတဲ႕ အဓိပၸါယ္ရ )
At the age of 19 , she was married off to the a man, not of her choosing.
အသက္ ၁၉ ႏွစ္မွာ သူမကို သူမေရြးခ်ယ္ထားတာမဟုတ္တဲ႕လူ
( not of her choosing ကို not of her choice လုိ႕လည္းေရးလုိ႕ရ )
By the way, don't you think it's high time you started limiting your faebooking time ?
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